Tuesday, October 30, 2012

From the desk of Laura McBride: Lit Class in the Library!

Anybody in the mood for poems, short stories, and plays in a cozy corner of the library?

I will be offering "Writing About Literature" (ENG 298) in our newly renovated Henderson Campus Library this spring. This will be a small seminar course for students interested in majoring in English (either here or at UNLV), as well as for students who would just enjoy the subject matter. We will be reading a selection of lyric poetry, short stories and two plays.  There will be three required essays in the course, each designed to demonstrate your ability to write in a standard academic way about these genres (Don't worry: I'll show you how to do it!).

This class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:30 (Spring 2013), and the course will be offered even if enrollment is low. English 298 is required for the English degree at CSN, and for the English major at UNLV.

If you are interested, give the course a try. It's going to be fun!

Professor Laura McBride
Office: Henderson B-224
(702) 651-3043

P.S. Please wait to buy the book until after the first day of class.

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